May 21, 2018 @ 7:30 pm - 11:55 pm
Two teams from Reckitt Benckiser will be battling it out at the Hull College restaurant to win the Reckitt Benckiser Devil’s Kitchen crown.
Devil’s Kitchen is a unique fundraising event which sees businesses compete in the kitchen and front of house to cook and serve 80 meals for their corporate clients (all on live camera feed!)
Guests aren’t charged to attend, they’re simply asked to make a donation at the end of the evening based on what they feel their experience has been worth.
Devil’s Kitchen events have raised thousands of pounds up and down the UK for the Smile Foundation and other good causes.
Email Laura Cox for full details: lc@heysmilefoundation.org
Devil’s Kitchen is a concept developed and trademarked by the charity Smile to support our work with charities and community groups across Hull and East Yorkshire.
From proactive engagement with the business community, Smile now has established relationships with countless fantastic venues across the country. Our partner venues donate their kitchens and dining halls at no cost, or a reduced fee for every Devil’s Kitchen, so that more money can go to where it’s needed.
Venues include hotel groups and independent restaurants encompassing cuisines from around the world.
If you are interested in hosting, or taking part in a Devil’s Kitchen in your venue and would like to know more then please contact us.