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CallER Collective – Training Session
February 18, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Isolated residents in the East Riding of Yorkshire can reach out to a volunteer through CallER Collective for support during this difficult time for a friendly chat to help combat loneliness.
Do you want to volunteer, but you’re shielding? Or you have commitments meaning you need to be at home?
Then Telephone Befriending could be for you!
Volunteer for our CallER Collective service and volunteer from your own home. All you need a couple of spare hours a week and access to a telephone.
To find out more, we are holding a training session on 18th February:
Time: 7.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99367607615?pwd=N3NudnZicE5RQlR6UG1GSXBBVnNKdz09
Meeting ID: 993 6760 7615 | Passcode: 941394