Smile Chances Christmas Appeal 2024: Spreading Joy with Families in Goole

The Smile Chances Christmas Appeal brought festive cheer to Goole through a £1,200 donation to Families in Goole (FIG). This generous gift enabled FIG to create happy Christmas memories for local families.

The passionate FIG team organised two spectacular Christmas parties that exceeded all expectations

  • Children enjoyed delicious meals and sweet treats
  • Santa delivered presents to every child
  • Exciting party games with prizes filled the air with laughter.

Beyond the parties, FIG extended the Christmas spirit:

  • The weekly drop-in group offered holiday snacks and breakfast foods
  • During school holidays, children engaged in creative activities like calendar-making and sand art.

The impact of this donation resonated deeply within the community, as evidenced by parent feedback

“Well done team FIG, the kids loved it! You are such a valuable resource for families in Goole!”

“Have been before and will go again. The kids really enjoy it. Lots of games and visit from Santa.”

“Lots of fun. Well organised. My kids had a great time. Thank you.”

The Smile Chances Christmas Appeal 2024 did more than fund parties; it created a ripple effect of happiness throughout Goole. By supporting FIG, SmileChances wove a tapestry of joyful memories, strengthened community bonds, and brought the true spirit of Christmas to life for families who needed it most.

The warmth generated by this act of kindness will continue to glow in the hearts of Goole’s families, demonstrating how a single act of generosity can illuminate an entire community.