Introducing The Smile Trustee Network

The HEY Smile Foundation is delighted to announce the launch of The Smile Trustee Network, proudly sponsored by Smailes Goldie.

The network is designed to develop the skills, confidence & potential of trustee boards; inspire & connect new trustees to great causes and create a supportive Network of trustees across the region.

The development of the Network is an expansion of the Smile Trustee Academy which launched in 2018, to attract new and upskill existing trustees, through the delivery of an 11-week programme to small but supportive peer groups. The aim of the new Trustee Network is to broaden the reach of the Trustee Academy and make trustee training and resources accessible to more charities and their trustees, tailoring learning to meet delegate need.

Tessa Wray Head of Partnerships at HEY Smile Foundation said “Seeing the success of the Trustee Academy over the years, we realised the existing model was limited to a handful of delegates per programme cohort. We felt there was more we could do to support the growing demand to attract new and upskill existing trustees. Thanks to Smailes Goldie, we have been able to develop and launch the Trustee Network. Their continued support and funding, demonstrates their commitment to creating and developing quality trustees for Charities across Hull & East Yorkshire.”

Steve Bramall, Partner at Smailes Goldie said “Smailes Goldie is proud to support the Smile Trustee Network. We look after many charitable organisations and understand the complexities of running a charity and the skills and knowledge needed by trustees to be effective.  As well as sponsorship to enable more charities to benefit from the programme, we deliver sessions too, around financial management, providing financial knowledge they require to be successful in their roles.”

Empowering Trustees to Make a Difference

Through the Network, trustees will have the opportunity to learn and develop, with three programme models available.

Access All Areas

‘Access all Areas’ is designed to support Charities in providing learning & networking opportunities for their trustees to support the development boards, that can lead with confidence. This will be achieved through face-to-face learning, hosted as coffee mornings/afternoons, and will include access to online resources and informal networking events.

New to Trusteeship

‘New to Trusteeship’ is designed for trustees who are at the very beginning of their journey with a Charity. This is an online offer of four bite size sessions covering: roles and responsibilities, governance, safeguarding, fundraising and volunteer management.

Trustee Academy

‘Trustee Academy’ is designed for individuals who are thinking about becoming a trustee. This is an online training programme, with five bespoke sessions, to provide insight and knowledge of a trustee role.


The Network is a membership programme for charities. Thanks to sponsorship from Smailes Goldie, we can offer free membership places to charities with a turnover of less than £20,000 a year. For Charities with a turnover of more than £20,000, there is a small annual membership fee.

Funded places are also available for individuals looking to join the ‘New to Trusteeship’ or ‘Trustee Academy’ programmes.

Smile’s Community Development Manager, Sophie Bartup said “One of the key aims of Smile’s new Trustee Network is to provide a platform for trustees to connect and collaborate.

We now have an amazing opportunity to bring together a diverse group of trustees, where we hope to foster a dynamic learning environment, enhancing the incredible work of Charities in driving positive change in our communities.”

For further information on Trustee Network and becoming a member, including eligibility, please visit:

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