‘Come and join Smile’s brand-new Trustee Network!’

We are looking to create a sustainable Network for Trustees to benefit from ongoing learning and development opportunities as well as growing their networks and connections with peers and external organisations.

Thanks to support from Smailes Goldie, we can deliver the Trustee Academy programme and part fund the development and delivery of the Trustee Network. However, a small annual membership fee will be charged to charities that can afford it, those that can’t, their fee may be subsidised in the first year (this will be looked at on a case-by-case basis).

The Launch Event for the Trustee Network is Thursday 29th February, hosted at Rollits, from 9am to 12pm.

To book your place at the launch event, or to find out about becoming a member, please contact Alice Edmondson by emailing: ae@heysmilefoundation.org

If you would like more details please click on this link